Teaser for RW Chp. 14!

Ok, so I still am slowly getting everything settled in RL, and adding to what I have of my stories... let me just say that moving is a real live bitch with those nasty, hairy warts that you see on witches around Halloween lol!

So, again I have my Outtakes and such being posted HERE so you should go check them out, to help tie you over :) I also have some teasers and pictures being posted on The Fictionators every now and then on top of the Pic Tease, who knows... some may be different (although I must relent that it won't be on purpose... I merely forget what I submitted to them and post something else here lol).

Without further ado, here is the pic tease:

Oh and before I forget, if you want inside info on where my stories are going then you should check out my polyvore!!

Much love,

Le Crepuscule


Twilight character names belong to Stephenie Meyer & any existing places/ objects mentioned in my stories belong to their appropriate owners. No copyright infringement is intended. The intellectual property including but not limited to, all characterizations, plot lines, backgrounds, and details belong to Le Crepuscule. Plagiarism is theft so please no copying or reproduction of this work is permitted without express written authorization. Thank you.

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