Here's the thing...

So in case you haven't heard, I now have a twitter... *cricket cricket* Just thought you should know! I can be found as @Le_Crepuscule or just click here: Twitter.
(BEWARE: Le_Crepuscule is known to be nerdy, chaotic, random, and down right idiotic -to some- at times, so please take caution before following her on Twitter ;P)
Also if there are readers out there who would like to try their hand at writing (or continue writing) but don't have an idea, then visit this blog (also run by me and some friends):
Fanfiction Writing Challenges
It's set up to inform everyone of different contests going on in the Twi-fandom as well as issuing our own... more info is there, but help us spread the word :)

Oh, and I am about 99.9% positive that I posted a DIFFERENT pic for JST on the Pictease... I told you I thought I did lol! It will be up on 4/19... anywho, I think that's it!

Gotta go!


Twilight character names belong to Stephenie Meyer & any existing places/ objects mentioned in my stories belong to their appropriate owners. No copyright infringement is intended. The intellectual property including but not limited to, all characterizations, plot lines, backgrounds, and details belong to Le Crepuscule. Plagiarism is theft so please no copying or reproduction of this work is permitted without express written authorization. Thank you.

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